Just looked again at the list of take-home cars on McHenry County Blog.
What does the MCSD P.R. deputy get a take-home vehicle?
Why does the Court Security Chief get one? All his work is at the courthouse. He commutes to and from work.
Why does the Jail Chief get one? He just commutes.
And the Asst. Jail Chief. The only reason he doesn't get one is that he lives in Lake County. So he gets $340/month car allowance. To commute!
And then, as I looked down the list of names, I was struck by the absence of Hispanic-sounding names. Here we are in a county with 35% Hispanic population, and now I wonder what percentage of sworn officers at MCSD are Hispanic or Latino. Anyone know?
And what percentage speak Spanish fluently, so that they can communicate with the residents of McHenry County?
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
I can name three, at least; Garza ,Pena and Campos-Cruz. I would guess, and I have no PROOF otherwise, that if a hispanic named person can pass the tests, and clear all the back ground checks, etc, there would be NO reason that their names couldn't be placed in the current list of over 300 applicants for a deputy position when it opens up- and corrections also. I personally know of four women, who are Mexican, who are married to men with American names. Do they count in your question?
UR 10-96, Gus.
First off the Hispanic population is no where near 35%. MCSO is right in line with the population when it comes to the hiring of minorities. (AZ you forgot Maldenado) There are numerous Hispanic correctional officers. Not to mention MCSO has a fair percentage of African American employees also.
Once again you are grasping at straws and making an issue where one doesn't exsist.
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