This Sunday - today - marks 40 weeks that Beth Bentley has been missing.
Beth, a Woodstock wife and mother, disappeared last May, when she was 41.
Some (probably darned few) still might wonder if she disappeared from Centralia, Ill., where she may have been driven by friend and traveling companion, Jennifer Wyatt, on Sunday, May 23, 2010.
Others wonder whether she disappeared after eating at the Frosty Mug in Mount Vernon, Ill. on Friday night, May 21, reportedly with Wyatt, Ryan Ridge and perhaps his brother. A waitress is reported to have recognized them and served them, but not serving alcohol to the younger Ridge because he was not yet 21.
And still others wonder whether she actually even left Woodstock on Thursday night, May 19, after her son's baseball game.
Beth's car was parked out-of-sight in the garage of Wyatt's rental home in Woodstock. They (who? Jenn? Beth?) rented a car for the drive to Mount Vernon. If they really drove from Woodstock to Mount Vernon that Thursday night, what time did they leave Woodstock? Who drove? How far? Did they switch off driving? Were there tolls? Proof? Which roads? What time did they get to Mount Vernon? Then what?
After Beth was reported missing late Monday evening, May 24, was her car still in Wyatt's garage? Was it searched? Would the police have found any clues to her disappearance in the car? Did they find any?
Is the Illinois State Police now involved in this investigation? Or is there any investigation?
Beth's family is mostly silent. Why aren't they screaming for help? Does life just now go on, with everybody waiting for Beth to come back to Woodstock and say, "Hi, everybody. Miss me?"
Why isn't Scott Bentley making a fuss? Why aren't her adult sons causing a stir? The only "noise" is coming from her brother in Arizona, and he's 1,700 miles away.
Who will crack first?
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
You leave her sons out of it, you pathetic asshole. What the hell do YOU do, other than sit behind a keyboard, playing puppet? Her sons HAVE done what they can. How DARE you sit here and question them?! You should be ashamed of yourself.
That was really rude to say about the boys Gus. They have done everything they can to find Beth. They want more than anything for her to be found. They love her deeply.
I posted your comment, Danielle, because I guess it shows who you really are.
I believe I could help this family. All they have to do is ask.
It is going to take family involvement to create progress in this case.
When you have done all you can, and you haven't succeeded, then you start doing what you haven't done yet. Maybe what you think you can't do.
Have they started a civilian command center for finding Beth?
Have they raised money for a P.I.?
Have they searched the woods in ever-widening circles around the Ridge house in Mount Vernon? Searched barns and wells?
Called hospitals; contacted Ob/Gyns and clinics and mailed Beth's photo?
Have they followed potential suspects? Have they quizzed friends of the family and compared answers?
Have they documented every step of every effort? Has anyone?
Has anyone re-created posts that were deleted by Admins of BBM-1?
Made a list of everyone even remotely connected, in any way, to Beth? At this point, no one is excluded. No one has been "cleared".
Yes, Gus. It DOES show who I am. Someone who cares about the children of the woman who is missing! Who the hell do you think you are, questioning what the boys are doing to help find their mother? Let me ask you, have you talked to them? Have you asked them what they have done? I've talked to them. I know what they have done. Other people know what they have done. Interesting how you are literally the only person questioning them. Unless, of course, you're speaking for the women who control you?
Danielle, will you please let me know the names of all the women who control me? I seem to have misplaced my list. Thanks.
All your lovely little friends over at BBM2, Gus. The ones who like to accuse an innocent man of murdering his wife, even though one of BETH'S older sons, you know the ones you questioned, have solidified her husband's alibi of BEING HOME WHEN SHE WENT MISSING!
Danielle, if you thinking about becoming a P.I., don't quit your day job yet.
Have Beths sons (other than C) signed the petition? Thanks for keeping us posted on Beth with your blog Gus, it is appreciated. Now go do my bidding.. I do belong to BBM2, but I was unaware of my power.
Danielle, grow up please and stop calling people names... it just makes you appear immature and unable to grasp anything other than what is floating around in the space between your ears.
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