Why has Judge Gordon Graham given Special Prosecutor Henry Tonigan a blank check in his investigation of McHenry County State's Attorney Lou Bianchi?
Why does the County Board believe that it must pay all bills ordered paid by Judge Graham? Was there a court hearing, when that was specifically ordered? Where was the County's lawyer, when Judge Graham was considering that? Didn't the County's lawyer think there was anything wrong with that? Did he object? Did the County appeal the decision for the blank check, if in fact there even was such a decision?
Yes, Henry Tonigan gives a document to Judge Graham, saying "Pay me." And Judge Graham signs it.
Should I just have a lawyer show up with a "Pay Gus" order and hope Judge Graham won't read it?
Henry Tonigan is five months behind on submitting bills. Judge Graham has already approved $213,000 to be paid to Tonigan for work through August 31, 2010. How fast does the County cut the checks? But Tonigan has not yet submitted bills for September, October, November and December, 2010; nor for January, 2011.
Why doesn't Judge Graham tell Tonigan to submit monthly bills, and by the 15th of the following month?
What would happen if the County didn't pay on Judge Graham's Order?
I say it's time to find out. The County Board first approved only up to $100,000. When bills exceeded that, they rolled over and approved up to $200,000. Now the bills are at $213,000, and the County doesn't even know what the last four months of 2010 will cost it. Some people are already estimating that Tonigan's total bills will reach $500,000-1,000,000.
Who is watching for the next date when Tonigan will slip the next Order in front of Judge Graham? Does he just sort of slide in and "Oh, by the way, Judge; here's an Order for your signature." Does Judge Graham get itemized billings, or does he just take Tonigan's word that everything is "right"?
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
1 comment:
You corrupt, stupid, and ignorant steaming piles of crap. Not only do you know nothing about how this kind of thing works, you also have no sense of ethics. Since this scumbag is going down, I would consider looking for new media stories and bull**** to comment on. This piece is going to be saying "Hey, how you doin" to Uncle Adolf when he rots in the deepest pit of Hell. You probably will too for supporting this continuation of corrupt Chicago politics.
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