Read this article in the Daily Herald about bullying. Jodee Blanco has some excellent advice for parents, teachers and school administrators.
Most of us would immediately agree that telling our kids to "suck it up" doesn't work.
I remember advice I gave to my nephew in Atlanta in about 1976; I wonder if he does. He had come home from school, crying about some kid who had threatened him or hit him. He and I went out in the backyard and had a little chat, away from the ears of my sister and her husband. I told him to lay into that kid, the next time it happened. "Get your best licks in fast," I told him. I added that he might get pounded, but it probably wouldn't happen again.
Guess I'll have to call him and ask him whatever happened.
Of course, my advice of that day wouldn't work today. If you look cross-eyed at someone now, next thing you know, the school resource officer ("cop") will have you on the floor and cuffs on you.
Sounds like we ought to get Jodee to come to Woodstock and educate students and parents here. Stop pussy-footing around with politically-correct language. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty and call bullying to a screeching halt.
And be sure to visit her website at
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
Hi, Gus,
My good friend Judy Freedman, wrote a book called "Easing the Teasing" (website,
Addressing teasing is kind of nipping full-fledged bullying in the bud. There are some very effective strategies to teach young children that can effectively put the teaser in his place.
When kids come home and say, "MOMMMMMM, the teacher is picking on me," the moms need to listen up. While there are always two sides to the story, the teacher and the school staff will deny it. Don't automatically assume that the kid is just whining. Find out, and find out fast!
Teachers should be the first line in defense at schools against bullying. They must be on the
alert in the classroom, in the hallways, in the cafeteria, in the parking lot - everywhere.
NO bullying should be tolerated. Period!
I agree teachers must be the first line of defense but the administration must also follow through with investigations and punishments in bully cases. My son recently changed schools because of death threats in his locker. Even when we were told by the students who did it the school investigated and when the kids changed their story the school stopped looking at those students. Even the police closed the case after our son moved in with his grandparents. We as parents must stand up for our kids and demand the schools take control of bullies.
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