When was the last time you went to a school board meeting?
Why is Tuesday night the popular night for school board meetings? Take a look at the scheduling conflict with other public meetings, such as City Council, Township, County Board. It's hard to be everywhere at once; right?
Marengo is in the news. Four schools - in three different school districts! What kind of administrative duplication is there? The killer type! No wonder taxpayers there keep turning down referenda.
McHenry? A high school School District with only two schools in it?
Now look at Woodstock. One early learning center. Six elementary schools. Two middle schools. Two high schools. One therapeutic day school. ONE SCHOOL DISTRICT.
Look at your property tax bills for the past five years. Don't just pay it and ignore it. Of course, you will pay it, because most property taxes are escrowed out of your total bank payment.
Frankly, I don't know how people afford to live in Woodstock or even in McHenry County. Property taxes are out of sight. And that's because people just pay the bill, blow off a little steam about it, and go back to work.
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
Thats why I moved to Arizona. My taxes were so high I was paying $700.00 month just to make tax payment. I was taxed out of my home. This is the home I lived in for over thrity years. Everytime the schools wanted more, they had a referendum and the yuppy iberals voted yes and the retired voted no. The school was getting about 80% of my taxes.How can people without some other income survive?
Retired people should be exempt or at least be given a huge break on school taxes. MY kids have been out of school for 15 years. Now live in a primarily retirement area near Phoenix and my taxes on my 2400 SF house are $1400.00 and even after paying the state income tax I come out far ahead. Illinois exempts retirement income but that make little difference when they tax your house.
Teachers in my old district were making 90-100K and kept getting more raises. Down here teachers max out at 60k and we have great schools. My (our) kids all live in the N/W Chicago area so I read the online news everyday. Don't miss the BS one bit.
Being from Chicago where a Superintendant would be in charge of anywhere from 15-30 schools outrages me that Marengo has 4 schools and 3 Superintendents. It's a ridiculous waste of taxpayers money. It will be a good day (coming soon) when they will be forced to consolidate. That's great because you could die waiting for Marengo to WAKE UP!!!!!
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