Thomas McQueen used this phrase in the press release this afternoon pertaining to the new indictments by the McHenry County Grand Jury.
When the top official of a large law enforcement agency says, "I had to go 85 just to keep up with traffic" (in a 65MPH zone), is there any appearance of impropriety?
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
I just got back from LA last week and if you don't drive 80 you will get run off the road.
Glad you survived driving in L.A.!
When I lived there for 4 1/2 months in 1989, I hated it. I figured I would get a ticket for OBEYING the speed limit.
I asked a Woodland Hills cop about speeders one day. He said, "You can't get there if you don't speed." Not "get there as quickly"; just "get there".
I was very happy to clear the state line in May 1989!
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