An attempted suicide occurred at the McHenry County Jail on Friday evening, and so far no word has been carried in the mainstream media about it. Corrections Officers are trained in life-saving procedures, and they would have been expected to make strong efforts to resuscitate the man. I suspect that there would have been minor delays in the arrival of paramedics, due to the facility's being a jail.
The inmate, 42, had been arrested earlier in the week following a domestic violence incident at his home in Crystal Lake.
After his arrest a Rights hearing was held on February 17, and a bond hearing was scheduled for February 22.
More details will follow as they become available.
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
I understand that he was successful in his attempt
No he wasn't.
The Northwest Herald reported online at 11:28AM that Thomas Puchmelter died Sunday, after he hanged himself in his cell Friday night.
The Northwest Herald article included this statement: "The day he hanged himself, he had been served with an order of protection taken out by his mother."
OK, so I have to wonder about this aspect of Jail policies. While Puchmelter was confined, he certainly wasn't about to harm his mother!
Why wasn't the Order of Protection held until the time of release from custody, if at all? Does the law require that Orders be promptly served, even to a person who is incarcerated?
Any chance that that service of the Order pushed him over the edge? The OP was issued February 16. Why wasn't it just held?
"Frank" submitted this comment, which I unintentionally initially deleted. A portion of the comment was deleted.
"The order needs to be served right away for several reasons! One of which it would prohibit him from calling, emailing, mailing, or having third party contact with her."
The inmate was braindead by the time he was discovered. There was nothing more they could do for him. And after taking a baseball bat to his own mother, in my opinion, this planet is better off without him. He did us all a favor. One less person in the jailhouse us taxpayers have to support. No tears here.
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