Chuck Cermak is taking some undeserved heat in Island Lake right now about his campaign information that he is a member of the Island Lake Chamber of Commerce. Apparently, he submitted his application and $50 check (only $50.00???) to a Board member in January, and that Board member didn't turn it in promptly to the Chamber's director. Chuck's membership application was approved last night.
When people (supporters of other candidates) started sniffing around, they could not confirm Chuck's membership in the Chamber. The Chamber's director didn't know anything about it, because it hadn't been turned in and the Board had not approved Chuck's membership.
When I joined the Chamber of Commerce in Woodstock on March 1, 2006, I certainly believed I was a member after I entered my application online and paid the membership fee by credit card. Why would I have thought otherwise?
Chamber membership is not a club. It's not like joining the Bull Valley Country Club, where some guys on the Board of Directors might decide they don't want a red VW Beetle or a motorcycle in the parking lot, or a guy with a beard in the clubhouse or, heaven forbid, a blogger among their members!
A Chamber of Commerce is a business organization. Any legitimate business ought to be able to join. The membership should become effective upon submitting a properly-completed application and payment of membership dues with good funds.
The decision belongs with the director or executive director of the chamber, not the Board of Directors, and he or she ought to be instructed by the Board that every application is to be accepted, unless there is a solid reason to question or investigate it. If it's a prostitution service fronting as a massage therapy business, okay, keep it out. If it's the Woodstock Chapter of the National Bank Robbers Assn., okay, keep it out.
The Board of Directors of the Island Lake Chamber of Commerce met last night and accepted Chuck's application for membership. If, indeed, Chuck submitted his application and check to a Chamber Director who sat on it, failed to notify the director and didn't turn it in promptly, then Chuck deserves an apology from the Board of Directors of the Chamber and from the Daily Herald for its article on February 18.
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
This man has had a business in Island Lake since Moses wore short pants. I've been told, his attitude for YEARS has been "What do I need them for"? He decided to run for Trustee, and suddenly he wants to join the chamber? Can he be more obvious?
Hold on there Gus. Just because somebody applies to a business organization, and gives them a check, does not make them automatic members.
He paid by check. Did the check clear before he started saying he was a member?
Did he have the cancelled check to show proof that they had received it and cashed it?
"He said he thought he was in the group as of January, after he filled out an application, paid a $50 fee and asked a fellow business owner to turn in the paperwork."
Your comparing your situation to his....not the same.
You paid by credit card (immediate payment) not by check. You submitted your paperwork online. He gave his application to a friend to turn in.
Where is anything the Herald wrote wrong? They stated that he was not yet a member. He was not a member. They said he would be made a member, he was.
They say he told people he was a member when he wasn't. for a guy that is a stickler for the truth, why are you giving Chuck a free pass.
As for Chuck's motive for joining after 30 years in business? Pretty easy to figure that one out! He responded to the Herald's question as to how he would make Island Lake government more transparent. His reply? It is transparent enough! Sure it is! You get to see whatever the Mayor wants you to see!
Chuck wants to keep the public ignorant of what is really happening in town. Hopefully he does not succeed!
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