Be sure to read Thursday's about who might finally be thinking of McHenry County residents, taxpayers and their pocketbooks.
Could it be the Special Prosecutor, Henry Tonigan, who apparently hasn't billed the last four months of legal work yet? Will he wait until the 4th of July and hope all the fireworks happen at the same time?
Could it be the County Board?
No, this time it's the Illinois State's Attorney's Appellate Prosecutor. FEN reported today that ILSAAP Director Patrick Delfino had filed a motion seeking clarification around the topic of Special Prosecutor Henry Tonigan.
According to FEN, Appellate Prosecutor Chuck Colburn will be in Judge Graham's courtroom on Wednesday, February 23.
I don't know all the details but, from what I understand, ILSAAP possibly could have taken on the duties of Special Prosecutor as part of its charter or duties, for which McHenry County already may be paying $30,000/year. Getting them for $30K, instead of $230K (so far) and more bills coming from Henry Tonigan, is starting to sound like it would have been a pretty deal for McHenry County taxpayers.
Was there any reason that ILSAAP couldn't have taken on those duties, when Judge Graham was ready to flip the coin and choose a Special Prosecutor?
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