The Law & Justice Committee of the McHenry County Board was asked this morning about succession planning for the Office of County Sheriff. In particular, the Committee was asked if it would be involved in steps leading to installation of a new Sheriff, should the office be vacated by Keith Nygren.
Committee Chair Nick Provenzano wasn't sure that the Law & Justice Committee would be involved. He thought the Board might appoint a special committee.
Has the County Board begun thinking about an appointment, should Nygren vacate his office? Is there a "short list" of qualified Republican candidates who have lived in McHenry County for a year? Which police chief or MCSD employee might be licking his chops and savoring such an appointment? Are some area chiefs ineligible because they don't live in McHenry County?
Nygren was re-elected on November 2, and on December 1 he was sworn in for his four-year term. And then, only two days later, he sold his house in Hebron to a subordinate at the sheriff's department for perhaps 40% more than it was worth. And apparently he still lives in the house, because the address he put on the PTAX-203 form is that same address of the house he had just sold.
Look at for the address of 10213 Meadow Lane, Hebron, Ill. The estimated value of the house was about $170,000 inthe month before the sale, but the selling price was $250,000. Why would an employee pay such an outrageous price for his boss's house?
How soon will Nygren decide to get out of town? Is Cape Coral, Fla. or Minocqua, Wisc. (even in the dead of winter) looking pretty good right now?
Holiday Hills Heroin Dealer Gets Ten Years
1 hour ago
Before the Good Old Boys start licking their chops I would advise they make peace with the man that is bringing down Nygren.
LOL! Who made that inquiry, Gus? Was it you or was it Cal? Seems to me that if it was somebody like a board member that suspected something was afoot, that you'd have named them. Right?
And... citing as an authoritative source is almost too funny for words. It's ESTIMATED and a joke even then. Unless they have data on recent sales of like homes in the same neighborhood, their data is all but worthless. As we all know, the best and truest indicator of value is the last sale price so...
Steve, that's true only in an arm's-length transaction.
Assuming facts not in evidence? An arm's length transaction is a fair market exchange, in an open competitive market, between a knowledgeable buyer and seller, neither of which are influenced by duress or harmful action. Both parties are acting in their own best interest. Both parties gain and lose something of value.
Not that it matters, but what evidence do you have to the contrary?
And who asked the questions? Inquiring minds and all that...
What do you suppose would cause the estimated value of a home to jump 40-50% in a month, during a depressed market, when housing values all around have been declining?
Maybe it would be more correct to say that one party gains something of value and the other party loses something of value.
Who knows, Gus... For that matter, who knows what the hell you're looking at. If you go to and input the address you give, it shows a recent sale for $250,000 and then its "Zestimate" of $251,000 for the parcel. Where are you getting the $170,000? Did you (or Zillow) look at the actual house? I know where the house is and it's on the corner, not one in from the corner as Zillow's map indicates. Maybe its an optical illusion but that house appears to be at least 25%-30% larger than the others on adjoining streets that bear the $165k or $170k "zestimates"
If you click on that little indicator next to the "zestimate" Zillow will explain several things - all of which are cautionary and tell you that it's an ESTIMATE based upon their limited research and can have a range (I think they said that in the case of a property valued by them in that price range of almost +/- $40K and that it should only be used as a guide.
Once again... a little smoke (without any documentation) and no fire.
Now, how about answering the question about just who is asking questions at the county board committee meeting?
That's an easy one but let's make it easier. Was it either you or Cal? A simple yes or no will do.
A few months ago, I sold my house in Harvard for $35,000 LESS than what I purchased it for 10 years ago -- even WITH the kitchen being remodeled and a fence I added (so I lost even MORE money, in reality). I sure do wish I had a buyer (or employee) like Nygren had.
Curious? who it is you think is bringing him down. If you think its Zane its not, its someone else.
I love the screen name UR1096. That fits several such as ZANE, Bachmann, Milliman & Gus. Too funny.
Gus, will the minutes of the Law and Justice indicate that you made the inquiry?
I would like to clarify that the Law & Justice Committee is not investigating the procedures for replacing ANY County-wide Official, nor is it looking at appointing a special committee.
We are not and never have looked into the residency or succession of any officials.
To insinuate to your readers, that because you asked a question or made a comment at a meeting constitutes the committee's "planning" or "appointing" of anything is very misleading.
I appreciate having bloggers and press cover our meetings but I hope in the future that you'll strive to get the story right.
Nick Provenzano
Chairman, Law & Justice Committee
McHenry County Board
Thanks for your comment, Nick.
No such insinuation appears in my article. Where did I write that the Committee might plan or appoint anything?
I understood you to say this morning that the County Board might appoint a special committee, should the Office of Sheriff become vacant. And certainly they should.
In fact, there ought to be succession planning for every top County office. Any top County official, elected or otherwise, might leave suddenly or on short notice, intentionally or not.
What I learned this morning in the meeting was that the Law & Justice Committee would not be involved (although it would make sense to me, if it was).
Thanks for reading, and thanks again for your comment. Yes, I shall strive to get my stories right, just as I did today.
It took awhile for the truth to come out, but come out it did. Gus is the person who asks the question and then turns it into an insinuation - I know you don't agree with that characterization, but we'll just have to agree to disagree - is just so typical. Nothing to it other than one person's imagination, committed to writing, thus becomes factual. This is enough to make "Yellow Journalism" appear Lily White.
Who is bringing down Nygren? I know the answer. 10-96 may have a different perspective. Either way Nygren is going down. I overheard the secretaries talking about a meeting Nygren and had with a "Latino business leader" not so long ago. Nygren's nervous, so is the ex Huntley cop. Commander Miller looks to be a little pale and worn down these days too. Milliman, ZANE no matter, the clock is ticking and the deputies in the know, know.
Justin, stop screwing around at the post so long and get in your area so I don't have to stay late handling your B.S. calls.
Denise is headed back to her boyfriend, that's nice. Another one of the crew is out the door.
Nicky P. grow a pair and start your new term by saying "NO MORE" to the likes of Nygren and his POSSE.
Thanks Nick for proving the point that many here try to make all the time. That point being that Gus makes up non existent issues
Why do you continually mock the MCSO and attack their policies and department in general? You belittle yourself as everyone thinks you are certifiably nuts.
This NON issue was obviously staged and anyone that read the blog from the original post sees that you concocted this issue.
Shame on you
Are you saying that it is not solid executive planning to include succession planning?
Remember when, just five years ago, the Grundy County (Ill.) sheriff went missing? Months later he was found dead in his County car, a suicide.
EVERY business, private or public, should have a succession plan. I'm amused by all the flack for asking the question.
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