Look at the kind of information that is available for the Rockford Area Crime Stoppers Program. An online search on the website of the Illinois Attorney General produces this information. No big deal. No fight for information. All the directors are named, and the financials for five years are shown.
Compare that with the availability of information from the Crime Stoppers for McHenry County and the Woodstock Area Crime Stoppers organizations. Neither group is registered with the Charitable Trust Bureau of the Illinois Attorney General. I wonder why the Rockford Area Crime Stoppers would register there and our two local groups do not.
Crime Stoppers for McHenry County is hiding behind a P.O. Box.
I have finally learned that the Woodstock Area Crime Stoppers can be reached through the Woodstock Police Department. The President is a former chief of the Woodstock P.D. and is a deputy in the Sheriff's Department's Marine Unit, which is shut down until May.
Thanks to the publisher of the Boone County Watchdog for the information! Check out his blog at
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