Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mental Illness Awareness Week - Oct. 3-9

"In 1990, the U.S. Congress established the first week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW).

"Next week, the subject of mental illness will be cast into the forefront of Americans' minds during Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW). While it's great to join together to raise awareness one week each year, we know mental illness affects us year round."

The above information comes from the Illinois Department of Mental Health.

As the week progresses, I invite you to pay close attention to the news and to increase your understanding of the impact of mental illness all around you. We are fortunate in our County to have a "708 Board", the McHenry County Mental Health Board. Not every Illinois County has one.

Visit for information about the mental health services available in our County.

An important resource for consumers (those receiving mental health services), their families and friends is the McHenry County Network of Care. Its online directory can be found at There is a wealth of information there. Go there and explore for information and services.

And be patient - all week.

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