Green Party candidate Bill Scheurer has a great idea. Just in case you don't know - he's running against Joe Walsh and Melissa Bean.
He recently published two letters. One was to Responsible Republicans; the other was to Disappointed Democrats. He suggested that those in each group find someone in the other group and agree to swap votes. He wrote, "They vote for me, and you vote for me. That way it comes out a wash."
This same philosophy will work for me in the sheriff's race in McHenry County. Responsible, awake, thinking Republicans don't want Keith Nygren but don't want to vote for a Democrat. Republicans in McHenry County aren't going to vote for a Democrat. And there aren't enough Democrats to elect Mike Mahon.
So, the logical action is to vote for me, Gus Philpott. Vote for a man who is not a politician and won't become one. Vote for a man who is not a cop but who understands the "cop mentality". And doesn't have it.
I like cops, contrary to the opinions of some in McHenry County (and elsewhere). I like HONEST cops. I like cops who realize that the laws apply to them. They don't speed in Illinois or in other states. If stopped, they wouldn't even think about "badging" the officer who stopped them, as a way of getting out of a ticket. I like cops who are the first to obey laws, not the last.
If someone tells me on Nov. 3, after I win the election for sheriff, "Listen, Gus; don't rock the boat", I'll use the same words as Putney Swope did in the movie by that title: "I'm not going to rock the boat. I'm going to sink the boat!"
What's in that "boat"? Favoritism. Use of the badge of office as a political tool. 13-14-15 weeks' annual vacation. That's the "boat" that's going down.
Integrity, transparency, truthfulness will be in. Can McHenry County handle this?
Contestants for Spelling Bee
11 hours ago
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