Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just leave flags at half-staff?

I am sick of the President's knee-jerk reaction every time somebody dies. Now he has ordered lowering of the U.S. Flag to half-staff until Sunday dusk, because of a death (or deaths) in Libya.

I say, keep the U.S. Flag at full staff, all the times. That is a real sign of respect and honor and memory.

And why until Sunday, when a serviceman killed in action typically only gets two days' honor of the lowering of the Flag.

If I were in the military and my death occurred in action, I would not want the Flag lowered. I would want it at the top of the staff and recognized as flying there in honor and respect of all military personnel and citizens who love their country.

Join me in telling Pres. Obama to keep our Flag high at all times.

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