Sunday, September 16, 2012

County ordinance affects Dep. Novak?

There is a McHenry County ordinance that Sheriff Nygren and Undersheriff Zinke ought to review. And maybe the County Administrator and the State's Attorney might dust it off, too. Especially since Nygren doesn't seem to have the best track record for disciplining deputies who stray off the beaten path.

Check out Section 11-109 Use of Confidential Information. It reads, "It shall be unethical for any employee or former employee to knowingly use confidential information for actual or anticipated personal gain, or for the actual or anticipated personal gain of any other person."

Section 11-111 covers sanctions. What are the sanctions for unethical conduct?

While these sections appear to be in section of the County's vendor or employment manual, could these section apply to the actions and activities of former Detective Novak (now "just" Deputy Novak) when he allegedly converted his relationship with a confidential informant in a drug-dealing crime to a personal, sexual relationship.

How naive was Novak to think he could say something like, "Don't tell anyone. I could get in trouble." Duhhhh.....

Of course, she was going to tell someone. Like, maybe, to save her own neck? To save her boyfriend's neck?

More importantly, what are the Illinois statutes about using the use of "color of office" by  a law enforcement officer uses his official capacity to gain something from a member of the public? Was that a factor in this case?

And which of the General Orders at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department apply in this case? Don't Novak's actions bring discredit on the Department?

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