A new group for women called Guns for Protection in Illinois has formed and will hold its second monthly meeting tonight, Monday, January 9, at 7:00PM at Panera Bread, 6000 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake, Ill.
Check out details on Facebook at Guns for Protection.
For information about that group in advance next time, go to that Facebook page and "Like" it.
Congratulations, ladies!
There's a lot of buzz about the woman who asked a 9-1-1 operator if she could shot an intruder. A dispatcher is not the right source for legal information. Before you shoot anyone, you'd better know what your legal grounds and rights are. And you'd better decide in advance to keep your mouth shut until your lawyer arrives. And you'd better make sure that your lawyer is really smart about gun laws and self-defense.
Remember: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
So, if anything can and WILL be used against you, why would you NOT remain silent???
If you think you might have to shoot somebody sometime (why else do you have a gun?), talk to your lawyer now. Getting 30 minutes worth of advice for $150 could be the best $150 you'll ever spend.
Republicans Celebrate Inauguration in Marengo
11 hours ago
Would have liked to attend but couldn't find Panera Break. "Who writes this stuff?"
tired, 50 lashes with a wet noodle have been administered to the careless writer who misspelled Bread. Sorry you couldn't find it. Did you try Panera Break-fast?
Tiredofthenonsense - Sorry for your frustration - harness that frustration to take to our legislature and please join us - We meet again Monday February 13 @ Crystal Lake Panera @7 please join us
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