On cnn.com today is a long article about the disappearance on June 3 of Lauren Spierer, 20, from Bloomington, Indiana.
The article refers to the Find Lauren blog, which can be viewed at www.findlauren.com
This sentence appears on the homepage of the Find Lauren website: "There is no reason to think the people Lauren was last with, wouldn’t do everything in their power to help us find her. But, alas, there is deafening silence."
Now to the Bentley case... Beth seems to have been last with Jenn Wyatt, Ryan Ridge and Nathan Ridge. Jenn has said that she drove Beth to Centralia on Sunday, May 23, 2010, and dropped her off near the Amtrak station, although she has also said that Beth never intended to take a train. Jenn has said she doesn't know whom Beth might have been meeting, but Jenn told me that the plans were for them to meet back up near Woodstock, in order to return to Woodstock together on Monday, May 24, 2010, so that Beth could get home before Scott got home from work.
Where are the statements from Ryan Ridge and Nathan Ridge about what went on that week-end at the house being rehabbed in Mount Vernon, Illinois? Not a peep out of either one of them. And no one seems to be asking them about it.
Also, many of Beth's friends, shown in party pictures at Gus's Roadhouse (now Offsides), have closed down their Facebook pages, and some unknown person cleaned up Beth's Facebook page and removed all the pictures.
Lauren's family is trying desperately to find her. Go to the Find Lauren blog and then ask yourself, why hasn't anything like that sprung up about Beth?
Drain Replies to Shorten
11 hours ago
That's "the story" and she's sticking to it.
Is it me, or does anyone else think "the story" is nonsense?
Do I have my own theory? No. I didn't know Beth, her friends, her habits, her life. But I do know bullshit when I hear it.
I suspect Woodstock P.D. knows it's bullshit as well. There's not a whole lot they can do about it as long as this remains a missing person case.
If Beth was to meet "someone" in Centralia Sunday, but returning "somewhere near Woodstock" on Monday, wouldn't she need the rental car she paid for?
"Someone" was going to meet her in southern Illinois and drive her back "near Woodstock" on Monday? Why go to southern Illinois at all? Seems like a whole lot of driving just to have a Sunday night together.
Again, don't know Beth, but "the story" is laughable.
Jenn also told me on June 10 (2010) that Beth never intended to spend the whole week-end with Ryan, Nathan and her. But those other plans fell through.
Yes, the "leave the rental car with Jenn and ride back up north with Mr. No Name" story sounds fishy.
Could "Mr. No Name" be from the Woodstock or McHenry County area? Someone Beth knew up here?
So "Mr. No Name" drives to southern Illinois to meet Beth Bentley late Sunday afternoon. Jenn Wyatt drops Beth off "near" the train station in Centralia, not knowing who Beth is meeting, and leaves before Beth is picked up, in Beth's rental car. "Mr. No Name" then must get Beth back to McHenry County (approx. 6 hr. drive) to meet Jenn Wyatt on Monday, "near Woodstock" before Mr. Bentley gets home from work.
Yeah, yeah that's it!
Makes NO SENSE ... If it makes no sense, it's not true.
Ah, but don't forget all the "free" time between 6:00PM Sunday and 5:00PM Monday, minus 6 hours of drive-time...
Then why southern Illinois? If "Mr. No Name" were from McHenry County, he's going to drive 6 hrs. to southern Illinois to spend one night Sunday), another 6 hrs. back (Monday) to get Beth back in time to meet Jenn Wyatt and arrive together in Woodstock?
Was Beth going to do an introduction to Jenn at that time, or was "Mr. No Name" to drop her off near some train station and drive off before Jenn arrived? (sarcasm)
Ridiculous story ...
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