Saturday, October 2, 2010

Immigrant maid cries for camera

Did you see the sob story by the Associated Press about the immigrant maid who worked for California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman. The maid was all teary for the camera, with the comforting arm of high-profile attorney Glorida Allred around her.

According to the caption under the AP photo, "Diaz (Nicky Diaz Santillan) alleges that Whitman was notified seven years ago that Diaz might be in the country illegally, but did nothing about it."

Huh? What? Diaz is crying because she was in the U.S. illegally for seven years and worked for Whitman, former eBay chief executive. Supposedly, Social Security may have sent a letter about a discrepancy in Diaz's documents. The article does not say to whom the letter was sent. Did it go to the employment agency that placed Diaz? Did it go to Whitman's business manager for her residence.

Diaz claims that Whitman knew about "her legal status", says the AP. What it should have said was that Diaz claims that Whitman knew about her (Diaz's) illegal status.

Why would Whitman be involved or have any knowledge of a maid's immigrant status? Whitman is a billionaire. Why would she even notice a maid in her house? Do you think Whitman tracked Diaz's work hours as a maid, calculated deductions every week, and wrote out her pay check? Not hardly!

OK, so what Whitman should have done was bust Diaz's butt back to Mexico. She should have called ICE and had her deported. Would Diaz have been happy then?

And why would Gloria Allred be involved with a maid? Look at the photo. Now, spell M-O-N-E-Y. There's is something going on, somewhere.

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