Something goofy is going on with the website of the City of Woodstock. Check it out at
Last week I noticed that no events were posted on the Community Calendar on the homepage. Usually City Council and board/commission meetings are posted. Not now.
Then I began looking more closely.
Groundhog Day 2012 has, obviously, come and gone. It would take about five minutes to put up some interesting pictures from the festivities and a "See you on Feb. 2, 2013" message.
The notice for Christmas tree collection is still there. Huh? The collection period was January 2-20. Here we are - a month later. Why is that notice still there?
And the Route 47 IDOT study? The second meeting was held September 15, 2010. That's 17 months ago. How about some new news? Except there probably isn't any.
The Coffee with the Chief link goes to a 404 Error.
The logo for the 2007 selection of Woodstock as a historic designation is dead in the water. Maybe a 5-year-old award ought to be removed? In place of the logo is this message: "please do not hotlink images". Did the City not have approval to use the image that had been there?
The City lost its standing in the Illinois Main Street Community organization, when funding dried up. The City and an insufficient number of business owners apparently did not think that a few dollars toward the (now-defunct) Woodstock Downtown Business Assn. was a worthwhile investment. It was. Now that information is way past time to be removed.
Some say that Woodstock is a jewel. Well, it needs polishing!
The City's website is dull and boring. Its stagnant condition will not attract viewers to return. It needs an entire make-over to instill some LIFE into it. Is there someone in City government whose job is to maintain the website? Did that person retire or was the position eliminated?
The City's response is invited and will be posted here, if one is received.
If Pritzker Were a Federal Employee
8 hours ago
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