Monday, February 20, 2012

ISRA bashes 2% ammo "sin tax"

The Illinois State Rifle Assn. (ISRA) has taken aim and pulled the trigger on the 2% ammunition "sin" tax on retail ammo sales proposed in the Illinois state legislature by Chicago's Rep. Kelly Cassidy.

ISRA describes the tax this way: "This bill, HB5167, also creates the "High Crime Trauma Center Grant Fund". All proceeds from the 2% Ammunition Sin Tax would go into this grant fund to pay for medical bills racked up by gang-bangers injured while trying to kill one another.

"HB5167 is a slap to the face of all law-abiding gun owners as it places the blame for violent crime on you because you dare to wish to own firearms."

Two percent isn't going to keep anybody from buying ammo; it's just going to make us mad. A lot of us will head out and buy it now, before the new tax is imposed. 

Thanks, Kelly. You're a real charmer. Her bill (HB 5167) which has only two sponsors, and she are two more reasons for law-abiding residents of Illinois to seriously consider packing up and moving elsewhere. Visit for her bio. She has only been in office since May 2011 (appointed to succeed Harry Osterman) and is already making her mark as a short-sighted politician cooking up bad ideas. She has a lot of company with gun-control pols as a Chicago Damocrat.

Maybe many more than two sponsors should be required before a bill can be introduced and start wasting time of 118 legislators.

Paula Basta, Cassidy's opponent in the March 20 primary, has asserted dirty politics by Cassidy. Is that redundant?

And the gangbangers? They'll probably just avoid the tax by stealing the ammo. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If da gangstas would know how to shoot, thar'd be less of'em and the Trauma Center money could be allocated to the morgue. Doh.