Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Economics of Fund-raising

I've been asked why I am not holding fund-raisers for my campaign for Sheriff of McHenry County. It's not because I am independently wealthy; let's rule that one out.

The typical pricetag for a fund-raiser is $40.00. What does the candidate "net" from your 40.00?

The first expense of a candidate is the cost of creative artwork to design the flier or invitation; then the printing; then the mailing, including addressing, folding, stuffing and postage.

The next expense is the event itself: a place to hold it, food, beverages, catering.

Let's say that all of that costs $25.00. What is left for the campaign? $15.00

I'd rather invite supporters to just mail in $15.00, hand it to me or use PayPal. Help fill up the cookie jar (photo) in my race to become the Sheriff of McHenry County, Ill. Keep the other $25.00 in your pocket, where it belongs.

If you are interested in important change in the name on the office door of McHenry County's top cop, I invite your support. How will I win? Please ask five other people to vote for me; and ask them to ask five others to vote for me.

I'm open to speak at your meetings or in your neighborhoods, too. You won't get a dull, dry, boring campaign "speech", and there will be plenty of time for Q&A.


Notawannabee said...

AND...the money collected is YOURS to use as you choose. If you want to by groceries or pay rent you can.

ANYONE that contributed money would be wasting their money. Gus you could hold a party and the Pizza Hut and wouldn’t need to make reservations.

Gus said...

Wrong again. Money collected in fund-raising is to be used for campaign expenses - only! Not for groceries or rent.

Your contribution won't be wasted, Notaw. So feel free to give generously (unless you are an employee at MCSD).

Another Lawyer said...

The idea Gus is to have the hall, the food and or entertainment donated so that of the $40, you get $40.