This Friday, November 14, 2008, the 5th Annual McHenry County Transition Fair will be held at MCC, 8900 US Highway 14, on the west side of Crystal Lake, Ill.
Hours? 10:00AM until 4:00PM.
Plenty of free parking!
The purpose of this Transition Fair is to provide a central point for information that will help young men and women with their transition from high school to whatever is next – college, trade school, military or to civilian employment.
Numerous agencies and organizations will be present to provide information and referrals to help students and young men and women regarding employment, education, health services, transportation, Social Security disability benefits, financial planning, housing, advocacy, recreation and leisure activities.
Transition Planning for students with IEPs in Illinois is supposed to start at Age 14 (state law) and be in place by Age 16 (federal law). This is a huge joke in our area. One local school district has been known to delay starting it until a student was almost 18!
Spread the word to all boys and girls, young men and women between ages 14-25 with any form of disability to attend on Friday. Many schools will be sponsoring buses to MCC. Since transportation is such a great factor in McHenry County, consider providing a ride to and from MCC for those you know who will benefit from this information.
This Transition Fair is sponsored by the McHenry County Transition Planning Committee, Pioneer Center for Human Services and the Family CARE Project of the McHenry County Mental Health Board.
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
48 minutes ago
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