Did you read today that President Bush says we're not in a recession?
Never mind that economists say we are. Never mind that gasoline has already passed $4.39/gallon in Goleta, California (and is $3.89 in Richton Park, Ill.). Never mind that housing sales are in the toilet, and foreclosures are through the roof.
Do you think Dubya really believes his own words, or is he just holding his breath until January 20, when he can go to Crawford and not have to show his face in Washington, DC again?
OK, about your stimulus payment. You did file a tax return; right? No tax return. No stimulus payment.
Here's the schedule. Notice the advantage to those awaiting their stimulation by direct-deposit!
Social Security number ending in
00-20, in your bank account by May 2;
21-75, in your bank account by May 9;
76-99, in your bank account by May 16.
And, if you expecting your check in the mail, good luck.
How much is this fiasco costing, not counting computer time, mailing, etc.? How much time/expense is involved in distributing 130,000,000 payments???
How much is being distributed? $110 Billion. That's $110,000,000,000!!!
Dumb, just really dumb! Whose money is it, anyway? Where are "they" getting it? It's OUR money, folks! And, if you remember, the U.S. is already running in the red; I mean, really in the red.
George ain't doing us any favors. It's like those "free" months when you don't have to make a payment on your credit card balance! The interest goes on!
Illinois’ Coerced Utilities’ DEI Report
38 minutes ago
the stimulus wont make much of a difference in just your pocket. distributed, it will. the housing market will jump up next year. i cant wait until you leave and no one will have to see your hideous face in this area.
pirate, you're kidding; right? The housing market is going to jump up next year? With hundreds of houses for sale in Woodstock, property taxes through the roof, price of gas heading out of sight and people worried about whether they'll have jobs as the recession deepens, you think there will be a jump in the housing market? Let's take a look after we are well into 2009.
i like how you cut down my name. im not the pirate you are!
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