I read an article today about the $119 price on a barrel of oil. The author's opinion is that oil could go to $180/barrel.
What will this mean to the price of gas at the pump?
If you think it's bad now, get ready for much higher gas prices over the next two years.
There are ways to reduce gasoline consumption! Use them!
When you see the moms in their gas-guzzling SUVs sitting in the drive-thru at the fast food joints, ask them to turn off their engines. Turn off the air. Roll down the windows.
Get serious about car-pooling. Many talk about it; few do anything about it.
When you see all those Hummers and really big SUVs with one lone person, speak up! Do you have a neighbor who commutes "solo" because he likes his peace and quiet? Be nice now. You might find the drivers will tolerate abuse about spouses or children or animals, but attack them on their SUVs?
In the January/February 2003 issue of the Sierra Club magazine appeared an article or ad about an organization whose mission is "...to raise the public’s awareness about the environmental and safety implications of SUV ownership." It's a good thing I'm a "saver"; I still have the website: www.earthonempty.com
It used to be possible to print out your own "ticket", but either the link is broken or, five years later, it's just not operational.
Check out the new Pace RIDESHARE program at www.pacerideshare.com Wouldn't it be nice to be like Dagwood Bumstead (well, on time, I mean) and ride to work with others? What if you could cut your weekly commuting cost 75%? Even just 50%?
This week I started riding my motorcycle to work. What's the difference for me? I get 29mpg with the Beetle. With the motorcycle? On the first tank I got 46mpg. Not only will I enjoy the ride, but I'm going to save money. What can you do?
Illinois’ Coerced Utilities’ DEI Report
24 minutes ago
I can walk. I win.
some of these wierd ass names of posters are frank. not enough people are commenting so he creates identities to pick up the slack. its odd that they are created this year in april.
well frank i think due to the Northwest Herald posting a link in the "Woodstock Blogs" articles to his site its becoming more popular. Thats how I came about it, not something I came across while searching the web. I wonder how you came to find it?!?!?
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