As I drove out of Woodstock this morning, I thought about buying gas. Hmmm, $3.49/gal. OK, I'll get it tonight. Driving through Crystal Lake, it was $3.56 and I thought, "Tonight for sure - in Woodstock."
And what is tonight's price in Woodstock? $3.67/gallon!
Is anyone else outraged at this prices? Are we doing anything about it?
In his new book, Lee Iacocca asks, "Where the hell is our outrage?" (Where Have All the Leaders Gone? Page 3) Well, where is it? How long are we going to tolerate leadership in this country that results in the price of a gallon of gas going up from $3.49 to $3.67 in one day?
About all I can say is, "Thanks a lot, Dubya!"
Lee Iacocca also says, "Throw the bums out!" In November we'll have just that chance - again! Will we exercise it? Will we continue to elect (and re-elect) people who say all the right words and, when they are elected, hire all the fancy speechwriters who know all the P.C. words for their speeches, and you can't figure out where they stand on anything?
I want someone in Washington who listens! And we don't have that now - that's for sure. Just look at how quickly Melissa Bean became one of "them." Now it's hard to get a straight answer, and you can't even send an email to her without getting jammed in her formatted email system that most Congressmen use. Messages get sorted into "buckets" and counted by the computer. Do they even get read?
I remember one day a few years ago when a staffer for my then-Congressman called early one evening in response to a letter I had written. At first, I thought it was pretty nice that he called. Then I realized he didn't really understand what my letter had been all about. He was trying to persuade me to his point of view and not listening to mine.
Finally, I asked him where he was (Washington, D.C.) and what time it was (two times zones away). And then I asked if he didn't have some other place to be than on the phone with me or anything else to do that evening. Any importance part of our conversation had been over minutes earlier - several minutes earlier.
When I call my Congressman or Senator, I want them to know what I think, and I want to know whether they intend to represent me. Then I'll know how to vote at the next election. When I write in a one-half letter, I don't want a four-page letter back that barely even refers to my question or statement. And I don't want the reply months later.
Should we throw the bums out? Is there a better bum to vote in? The title of Lee Iacocca's book is perfect: Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
Read it! Buy it! Get others to read it AND talk about it! And let's DO something to gain control over the price of oil!
No Bobcat Hunting in McHenry County
2 hours ago
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