On Tuesday, April 22, from 10:00AM-2:00PM, wholesale club Costco will be allowed to give away snacks, offer membership information and sign up new members at the Woodstock Recreation Center.
Does this seem like an appropriate use of property of the City of Woodstock?
It seems to me that City property should not be used for the promotion of one private business. City properties are supported financially by the taxpayers, and their use should be limited to specific purposes.
Even as I write this, I wonder about other areas of our community. How about our parks and ball fields? They should be open to all residents, yet their use is restricted. If you are an official team, then your league and you can use the ball fields. What about the common citizen - the one whose taxes pay the bulk of the operating costs of our parks?
Just what do those warning signs at the ball fields really mean? Can a group of neighborhood kids use those fields for a pick-up ball game? What are the penalties for violating the very stern warning posted at the ball fields?
Who will be next at the Recreation Center after Costco? Will Wal-Mart want a 4-hour show-and-tell period? Sam's Club? Will Jewel or Wisted's?
Maybe The Woodstock Advocate could offer free snacks and an opportunity to sign up for "membership." Think that one will fly? (Don't everyone laugh at once.)
Illinois’ Coerced Utilities’ DEI Report
33 minutes ago
Cool! Thanks for letting me know about this! I will definately be there to sign up today. Thank you Rec Center for promoting this! Now I don't have to drive all the way out to Costco. I love you Gus or Frank?
"Some people find fault like there is a reward for it" - what are you shooting for frank?
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