Why is it that if two guys go mano-a-mano behind a bar, it's called Disorderly Conduct and they both go to jail, but if two guys go at it in a ring in front of hundreds who have coughed up $40 to watch them, it's called - well, what is it called? Not entertainment. At least, not here.
This morning's Northwest Herald featured an extreme fighter who will go at it against another man on Friday night in Lakemoor. The article said he won his first fight this year in 1 minute 23 seconds with a "rear naked choke submission." This sounds to me like something where you grab a guy around his neck and choke him until he passes out (or gives up before he passes out).
Entertainment? Sport? Give me a break.
And we wonder why gangs roam the streets of Chicago. We wonder whether TV shows and videogames result in more violence in life.
Well, I wonder why the Lakemoor Police and the McHenry County Sheriff's Department won't be there on Friday night to arrest the contenders as soon as the first punch is thrown!
Illinois’ Coerced Utilities’ DEI Report
29 minutes ago
Now if it was your ass in the ring getting the crap kicked out of you, that would be entertainment!!!
Bad parenting results in bad kids most of the time. It's hard to have respect for people and life when your mommy is a crack head and your 4th dad abuses you.
Agreed, birdman. I think you might just have explained the upbringing of certain people who are posting abusive comments here. Thanks!
You are far from it, when did you become an analyzer of peoples lives just from reading posts. Abusive comments spawn from the jackass of this blog.
frank, you cant make up stuff and then agree with yourself.
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