Monday, March 8, 2010

Hunting on the County's website

Over the week-end I wanted to provide information to a resident about the new transportation system available here in McHenry County.

Easy as pie, right?

Just go to the County's website at and look under "T" for Transportation under the Departments tab. Errrr, wrong.

Well, okay; how about in the A-Z Services? Certainly, Transportation could be found there.

Wrong again.

Where is it? I searched for "Transportation", found it and clicked on the link. The link was broken.

This morning I learned that Transportation is found under Departments, but you have to look under "D" for Division of Transportation!

Why doesn't McHenry County just combine Departments and A-Z Services and give residents just one place to look up what they are trying to find?

By the way, here's the link for the new transportation service:

1 comment:

Cal Skinner said...

I noticed the same thing.

Look for Transportation Department under "T."

You can look, but you can't find it there.