Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dorr Township stays in the news

If you live in Dorr Township, be sure to read Jane Collins' Letter to the Editor in this morning's Northwest Herald.

Active electors (voters, residents) in Dorr Township are beginning to pay closer attention to the goings-on in Dorr Township government. A citizens' committee has recommended a $1,000,000 refund to Dorr Township taxpayers and has pushed to get that refund on the agenda for the April 13th Township Meeting.

This meeting will be held in the auditorium of Woodstock High School on Tuesday, April 13, at 7:00PM.

The Trustees would like to spend that money on a new building and have, perhaps, only slowed down because of active involvement (and resistance) of voters. However, behind-the-scenes work (and money spent) continues. Concerned citizens want access to the soil borings report purchased with township funds, and they want to know what Legat Architects is doing.

Collins' letter says that Supervisor Bob Pierce has told the concerned citizens that they will be surprised. "Surprise" is probably something that voters don't want to hear, and perhaps it was a word-choice that didn't reflect what Bob meant.

Put April 13 on your calendar and be at the Dorr Township meeting. In fact, go to the township meeting of your township this year. I'll venture a guess that electors (voters, residents) never attend township meetings. Grafton and Dorr are exceptions this year.

Show up. Get involved. Speak out. Find out how your money is being spent (and will be spent).

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