Any law-abiding citizen, whether gun owner or not, should be outraged at the $575,000 destroyed by the City of Honolulu.
Yes, $575,000 tossed overboard. How?
Rather than auctioning off $575,000 worth of used and new Police Department firearms, Honolulu opted to destroy them.
The reason? The stupid mayor is afraid they would "end up on the streets".
Read this article.
Is there a law against wasting public assets? You betcha.
Should the mayor be charged? Should he be recalled? Should he be prosecuted, convicted and jailed?
Want to write to him? Mayor Kirk Caldwell:
The article says the Police Department agreed. Well, duhhh..... Guess the police chief wanted to keep his job a little longer!
If Honolulu doesn't need its own money, it surely doesn't need yours. Go elsewhere.
No Bobcat Hunting in McHenry County
2 hours ago
I don't understand why these small departments that supply the guns to the Officers always feel the need to replace them. How much are these guys shooting? Most cops rarely shoot their guns. Hell, most don't even practice. Guns don't age like humans do. Replace the springs once in a while and presto, you have a new gun. I know a small department that is replacing the guns their CSO's use. The only time they shoot those guns is at the annual re-qualification. Why do they need new ones? The answer is they don't.
PS. It's not McHenry County
Some of those guns were brand new Smith and Wesson 5906/5946 and 8906/6946. Brand new in the box, unused. What a shame.
The People of Honolulu should sue the mayor and city council. Plus he should be arrested for wasting city assets.
The People of Honolulu should sue the mayor and city council. Plus he should be arrested for wasting city assets.
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