With all the chatter about resisting any incursion by the Federal Government on Second Amendment rights and the actions of some (brave) sheriffs elsewhere in the United States, Freedom Outpost today carries an article about Iron County, Utah.
Where in the world is Iron County? It's located near the southwestern corner of the State of Utah, with a 2007 population estimated at 43,526 - about the size of Crystal Lake (Ill.).. It covers 3,302 square miles (compare to McHenry County, Ill., 610 sq. mi.).
So, what's notable about Iron County at this time? The County Commissioners are thumbing their collective noses at the Feds with this Resolution, passed in February:
Governing Board of Iron County, Utah the Iron County Board of
Commissioners declares that any federal act, law, order, executive
order, rule, or regulation regarding firearms that is a violation and
infringement of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the
United States, passed by the Congress, and/or signed by the President,
violating the true meaning and intent of the 2nd Amendment of the
Constitution of the United States as given by the Founders and Ratifiers
of the Constitution, is invalid in Iron County, shall not be recognized
by Iron County, is specifically rejected by Iron County, and shall be
considered null and void and of no effect in Iron County.
“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it shall be
the duty of the Sheriff of Iron County to take all measures as may be
necessary to prevent the enforcement of any federal acts, laws, orders,
rules, or regulations in violation of the 2nd Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States.”
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
57 minutes ago
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