Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stolen rocking horse makes news fast

Have you seen the new rocking horses around Woodstock?

The City is participating once again with Richmond's MainStay Therapeutic Riding Program in a summer-long fund-raiser.

But vandals and thieves are at work already.

OK, Woodstockers. It's time to put a stop to this!

"Cartoon Horse" didn't decide just to run away Saturday night or Sunday morning. Somebody lifted it (all 300 pounds of it) from in front of 218 Main Street, across the street from the movie theater in Woodstock.
Right now is the time to put a halt to crime in Woodstock. Sharp-eyed citizens can do it. When you see suspicious activity, call 815.338.2131 and report it immediately to the Woodstock Police Department. Program that number into your cell phone, right behind the "9" button. Then all you have to do is press-and-hold the "9" (on many phones) and you'll reach a telecommunicator at the Woodstock P.D.
Whether it's gangs on the Square, skateboarders or bicyclists or walkers causing pedestrians or drivers to go around them or whatever, it's time to restore civility and obedience to laws in Woodstock.
Do not tolerate any vandalism or graffiti. If the hair stands up on the back of your neck when you see a gang congregating, call the P.D. They will send an officer, who hopefully will take names and numbers and have a pocketful of contacts when vandalism or a theft is reported later.


FatParalegal said...

In the U.K., there are CCTV cameras EVERYWHERE. It's unfortunate what happened, but honestly, I can't say that I'm surprised. It's a shame, really.

Franker said...

Old man voice: "Those damn kids and their gangs! They're always hanging around on the square"

Yes because all the hard, mean street gangs hang out on a town square! You're so funny Gussy!

Isn't a town square meant for people to meet at and hang out? That is the intended purpose of the square right?

Dave Labuz said...

I guess you like your eyes wide shut, Frank.

Get a gun - see above.