This sign along Route 120 west of McHenry just really says it all.
August 4 begins the petition-signing period. See you then.
"Fairness" is what the race will be all about. Fairness for residents of McHenry County, for deputies of McHenry County, for taxpayers, for young adults, for kids - - - for all.
I think you are hedging a bet on the wrong thing here, Gus. People may not like Nygren, but there is a big difference between change for the better and change for the sake of change. And I strongly encourage anyone who is behind Gus based on that reason to really give it some thought. All I could find online about you and your past experinece was that you are currently a hypnotherapist and that you have a "varied business background that included 15 years as a life insurance salesman".
This isn't a joke, Gus. Law enforcement is serious business and it requires serious people, QUALIFIFED people to sit at the big desk.
I will agree that you do not necessarily have to be a police officer to run for the elected position of Sheriff, however, you have to have SOMETHING in your background that deems you fit to run a law enforcement organization. Unless you've got something I haven't seen elsewhere online, this is a joke.
He as already been asked about his qualifications and has deemed not to answer at this time. He promises to do so in the future. I ask this: WHEN in the future? After enough people blindly sign a petition having no clue of his background?
Here is a copy and paste from another website where he was asked some very pointed and direct questions. Questions he did not bother answering.
Joe Ptak said...
Dear Gus,
I read the following:
"As chief law enforcement officer of the County, the Sheriff directs the McHenry County Sheriff's Office whose fundamental function is the protection of lives and property of County residents. The Sheriff manages an annual budget of approximately 23 million dollars, a staff of approximately 400 employees and a fleet of approximately 240 marked and unmarked vehicles. The Sheriff formulates plans and policies, provides managerial coordination of departmental operations, develops and implements service programs, and supervises staff members to accomplish the goals and objectives of the department."
I also looked at the current Mc Henry County "Sheriff's Office Organizational Chart".
Outside of the salary...why in the world would you consider running for such a position?
You don't appear to have any law enforcement or a comparable administrative background that would warrant confidence in your ability to be an effective County Sheriff, for a county of approximately 325,000 residents.
If you really do want to improve the manner in which the McHenry County Sheriff's Office is run (in a manner that you feel is an improvement over the current Sheriff), why don't you support, or attempt to draft a more experienced and qualified individual?
I suspect this is all about the process and not so much about doing the job. Not being Nygren does not = a qualification, either. But hey! It's something different, right? As I said in another comment...be oh so careful what you wish for.
I read this in the NWH..
"Philpott said that he believed the Pavlins’ version of events, regardless of the outcome of the state police investigation, because, “I’ve heard them tell it.”
I'm pretty sure you've never "heard" the deputies tell it, have you Gus? You have read the emotionally detached police reports, as have the rest of us.
I dont' know about anyone else, but I've been lied to by plenty of people who were quite convincing. Even (gulp) guilty criminals! Go figure. Lying to the police??!!! That never happens.
Still waiting for those quals, by the way...
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