Do you know that the Woodstock D-200 teachers' union contract provisions can be viewed right from the comfort (and safety) of your own home computer? Lock the doors and sit down. Better get the chair with the straight back and the arm rests so that, when you pass out from high blood pressure, you can hope not to fall out of the chair!
This is the contract that lets (makes) the District keep teachers who teach "Him and I went to the library" to third-grade students. And another who gets caught bullying a 9th Grade student during a classroom visit by a technical consultant from the Illinois State Board of Education. And another who calculates that it will cost you $2,520 to buy one cup of $2 coffee at Starbuck's each business day of a 50-week work year (OK, this is the part where you figure out the correct answer ($2 x 5 x 4 x 12). And yet another who falsifies a start date of a student's work-study records. And others who don't speak up in an IEP and contradict an administrator who gives the wrong information to a parent.
Where can you find this Contract?
Go to
Click on School Board
Click on Collective Bargaining Agreements
Oh, and remember ... "It's all for the kids."
Maybe we parents could get Gov. Walker to come to town and address our School Board!
Eight Years for McHenry Kidnapper
1 hour ago
Well said, Gus. Except... "And another who calculates that it will cost you $2,520 to buy one cup of $2 coffee at Starbuck's each business day of a 50-week work year (OK, this is the part where you figure out the correct answer ($2 x 5 x 4 x 12)"
I agree the person who said it was $2,250 (if that's true. Sorry to doubt you but so many of your "facts" aren't) is in the wrong job. However, if you're going to critique him/her you might want to depart from your normal routine and at least get YOUR math correct.
You say a 50-week work year and then do the math for a 48-week work year. The correct answer is $500 per year (unless he has a Starbuck's card in which case every 15th drink is free).
Steve, I knew I'd get caught on that. Thanks. I.O.U. one cuppa coffee at Starbuck's!
The math on the first go-round was:
$2 x 5 = $10 in a week
Then the teacher multiplied $10 (for the week) x 21 = $210/month.
Then $210 x 12. Interestingly enough, the example, with the correct math, was handed out in class. It was the work-through on the chalkboard that was in error.
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