Cal Skinner's McHenry County Blog ( carries the Motion filed March 25th with the Circuit Court by Grafton Township Linda Moore in her running battle with the trustees, but initially the hearing date was not clear.
The Motion is to ask Judge Caldwell to confirm her request to the trustees for the appointment of John Nelson as Township Attorney.
The trustees have refused to "advise and consent" to Nelson's appointment, leaving the Township without an attorney. The trustees are acting like spoiled little children; they may want their favorite playmate, Keri-Lyn Krefthefer of Ancel Glink et al., to be the Township's attorney, and apparently they are getting free legal advice from Ancel Glink.
Must be nice; I don't know anyone else (who isn't broke) who gets free legal advice.
Anyway, I noticed that this Motion, filed March 25th, didn't seem to be in the court date line-up for this case (No. 10CH000684). When I called the courthouse to ask when this Motion would be heard, I was told that the Notice of Motion did not contain a date.
Presumably, the Motion and its Notice of Motion are being served on the Defendants. But they need to be told when Judge Caldwell will hear the Motion. A date is normally set by the clerk, when a Motion is filed.
After a few emails and phone calls I have been informed that the April 26th date in the court's calendar is the date for this Motion to be heard. At the March 11th hearing Judge Caldwell told the Supervisor to file a Motion, and this Motion is the one. Let's hope nothing of legal urgency arises before April 26. The Township is doing without legal advice for the time-being.
Who knows? Maybe it will find that it can survive without spending thousands and thousands of dollars on legal fees. What a novel idea!
Eight Years for McHenry Kidnapper
1 hour ago
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