Is Keith Nygren still Sheriff of McHenry County, Illinois?
Did he light out for Cape Coral? Will he take vacation days and sick days until they are used up? Is he sick of it? Sick of northern Illinois winters? Sick of being in the spotlight?
What about all the civil rights cases and appeals that he is behind? Will someone inherit those?
If he is now truly the "cell phone sheriff", will he continue to "manage" the office from afar? Or has he turned the reins over to the Undersheriff?
Will he still blow taxpayer dollars, pestering bloggers and trying to scare them with subpoenas?
Keith, where are you?
Eight Years for McHenry Kidnapper
2 hours ago
In some ways this is like the funnies in the Herald. In some ways it's better.
Yep, and you don't even have to send the dog out into the snow to fetch the paper.
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