Whew! I was glad to see that I am not alone in thinking that raising the minimum wage in Illinois to over $10.00/hour is wrong. Read today's editorial.
One of the problems with increasing the minimum wage is that those who were working at minimum wage will want more. Is an entry-level worker at any low-skilled job worth $10.00/hour? Let's say, unloading a truck or making fries or cleaning toilets.
I'm not saying those jobs aren't important. They need to be done, and they need to done well.
I remember a sign in an office of a colleague on LaSalle St. in 1966. It read, "We have a time-proven incentive program here - those who work, get to keep their jobs." And there was a second sign - "Your raise becomes effective when you do."
Not sure the first is true any more. The second might still be true in some places.
Eight Years for McHenry Kidnapper
1 hour ago
With the vast numbers of children being raised in single family homes and the courts backlogged in getting child cupport to these families I still contend that a 10.00 per hour minimum wage is necessary in order for these Moms to keep the family in shelter and food on the table. There are only so many beds at PADS!
I don't argue that people cannot live on $20,000/year. Families cannot. Most single people cannot. Opportunities need to be created - for education, skills, increased skills. Workers need to understand initiative and self-motivation.
Then there have to be markets for services and products.
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