As of 10:00AM yesterday, the Clark County (Nev.) Correctional Facility no longer had William J. Ross in custody. The Woodstock Advocate withheld publication of that information, pending his arrival and secure entry into the McHenry County (Ill.) Jail.
But where is he? Almost 24 hours later, he isn't on the public records of the McHenry County Jail. Presumably he will be brought straight to McHenry County. Did McHenry County Sheriff's Department deputies or investigators go to pick him up? How do you transfer a man extradited on a Governor's Warrant on the serious charge of concealment of a homicidal death?
Will he be flown commercially back to Illinois? Or is he turned over to U.S. Marshals Service and booked on "Con Air"? Or is there a private transportation contractor that shuttles prisoners around the country on buses? In this kind of weather?
Presumably Ross' arrival at the McHenry County Jail will show up in the public record. He has a June 18th court date on the status of his extradition warrant, but I would guess that he will request, through his attorney, a bond date, possibly as early as the next day after he is confined in our jail. No attorney has yet filed a notice of appearance for Ross.
If he bonds out, will he stick around for court dates? Will Ross be considered a flight risk? How high will his bail be set?
Are more charges to be filed, in consideration of how Jacqueline Schaefer died? If so, why haven't they already been filed? Did withholding additional charges, if any, have anything to do with the extradition process?
Is there a valid reason that the cause and manner of her death have not
yet been released by the McHenry County Sheriff's Department or the
McHenry County Coroner? The focus by the Sheriff's Department seems to be on the concealment of Schaefer's body, which was found in a bag in a sealed room in Ross's home in McHenry County, near the city of McHenry, on November 6. The house had reportedly not been lived in for more than 18 months.
Is anyone concerned about how or why she died, and who killed her?
LaHood Criticizes Blagojevich Pardon
1 hour ago
The days of sending deputies to extradite prisoners is basically history for most agencies. Now there are numerous private companies that transport prisoners, some by air, some by cargo bus. They hire ex cops, ex military spec ops. They spend nights at county jails and pay bed fee to guard prisoners. Do a web search for prisoner transport services and you'll get your answer. Much less expensive.
Justin, thanks!
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