If you hurry today, you can still pick up a copy of Paul Scharff's book, Murder in McHenry (Kindle edition), free! That's absolutely free - no shipping charge; no tax; no delay. Instant delivery to your Kindle or other e-reader, including your SmartPhone or PC (or Mac).
Author Paul Scharff wants you to read his book. And he'll make it easy for you. And free. All you have to do is click on the title (above). If you don't like links, go to Amazon.com and enter the title.
The free copy is available today. If you go after it late tonight, Amazon may have changed the price back to the regular Kindle price. It's worth it at that price. I bought it for that shortly after it was published, and I'm glad I did.
Or you can wait until Wednesday, February 19, and get it free. Or you wait until Wednesday, February 26, and get it free then. I'll remind you on February 19 and February 26.
Go to Paul's website here and read about the book and his offer. After you get his book, be sure to post a review on Amazon.com. He'll appreciate that.
Pritzker: Defender of Illegal Aliens
1 hour ago
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