The headline in the Northwest Herald reads, "Dam majorities sworn in at Illinois Capitol." Oh, wait, that's "Dem supermajorities..."
And what did Illinois Senate President John Cullerton say, "There is greatness within and around all of you in this chamber, and we're going to need it."
Right he is. With the Democrats controlling the Senate and the House with veto-proof majorities, they won't be able to blame the Republicans for not solving the horrific financial woes of this State.
You can run, guys, but you can't hide. Everything that happens in Illinois can now be blamed squarely on the Democrats.
But wait! Is there hope? Is it possible - even remotely possibly - that legislators might actually start caring about the constituents' safety and security? Would that be too much to ask?
I have a suggestion for the Illinois State Rifle Association. Instead of hoping that 5,-10,000 gun owners show up in Springfield on March 6 for IGOLD (Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day), why not ask them to go to Cook County and march in the Districts of the Democrats who are blocking concealed carry?
Knock on doors and ask residents if they are afraid for their own safety and the safety of their children. Ask them if they'd like shootings to dry up in a week and for crime to drop precipitously. Ask them to remember the simple title of a book by Prof. John Lott, formerly of the University of Chicago: More Guns, Less Crime. Ask them to call their legislators immediately and say they want a YES vote on concealed carry by April 1.
No joking.
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
57 minutes ago
I like the idea of marching in Chicago. That's where all evil originates. Let's start with Rahms house. Where do sign up?
I forgot. Residential picketing. They never enforce it but against us they would.
Maybe Rahm's dress wouldn't mind. Oh I'm sorry that was his wife's dress that lived there while he was in Washington. Well I'm sure tiny dancer had his tu tu in there as well.
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