Activity and "noise" by residents may have contributed to the decision of the Marengo P.D. to issue the following NIXLE alert yesterday:
"To The Citizens of Marengo:
"Recently there has been some information being promulgated via various social media outlets regarding burglaries occurring in or around Marengo. I want to take this opportunity to dispel some misinformation and provide accurate facts for your perusal.
"The Marengo Police Department is actively investigating several (5) burglaries which occurred at residences within the City of Marengo. Three (3) of these acts occurred on East I West Grant Highway while two (2) took place in the avenues. The time frame for these incidents has been varied as well. There could be some connection between these events, but at this point we are looking at several possibilities. Some residences have been forced into, some have been unlocked, some have been empty and in foreclosure.
"Items being taken include property which is usually targeted by such criminals; electronics, weapons, tools and jewelry. There has not been any contact between the residents and the burglars reported to us.
"As always, we caution anyone to contact this department (9-1-1) if some situation or activity appears suspicious and is ongoing or to report information to us at 815-568-7231 if you have been victimized. We appreciate any and all assistance you can provide this department in solving these particular crimes.
"If you need further clarification I may be reached at 815-568-7231 or Please feel free to contact me any time.
Joseph M. Hallman
Acting Chief of Police
Marengo Police Department"
It's a little defense in nature, because the Marengo P.D. reports only burglaries within its jurisdiction. If the burglary occurs outside the town limits of Marengo (i.e., in McHenry County near (the town of) Marengo), then it will be generally reported as having occurred in Marengo, because media seems not to be always careful in distinguishing between "in" Marengo and "in the Marengo area."
I'm way behind the times. I had thought Martin Podosek was Chief of Police, but he left the Marengo Police Department on February 7, 2011.
When I telephoned the Marengo P.D. at 11:07AM, there was no answer. The phone rang 8-10 times; I hung up and dialed back. Same thing. Maybe they closed early for the week-end.
Drain Replies to Shorten
11 hours ago
Lake In The Hills PD dispatches for Marengo police. Unknown where the Marengo police chief's phone is answered.
Actually, I meant to delete that last paragraph, because the operator (dispatcher?) called me back a few minutes later to ask if I had called. She had had to step outside her office (maybe to the powder room?), and the phone was briefly unattended. She was very polite and friendly. Apparently, staffing at the P.D. doesn't provide for a second person to answer the phones, when the first person must step away.
Yeah, thought so. "It's a little defense (defensive?) in nature because the Marengo P.D. reports only burglaries within its jurisdiction." Well, duh!
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