On Rep. Joe Walsh's official calendar (www.walsh.house.gov) is a link to Joe's Facebook page and information about a meeting for Rep. Walsh with veterans tonight a the Woodstock Public Library.
From 6:30-8:30PM "Join Congressman Walsh for a Veteran's Roundtable, where veterans will have the opportunity to share their concerns with the Congressman in a small group environment. Congressman also wants to learn if there are additional ways he may serve veterans in the 8th Congressional District."
For some strange reason, this event is not displayed on Joe's official calendar on his House page. A call to his Fox Lake office uncovered the reason. Tonight's meeting at the Woodstock Library is a "private meeting." Oops, sorry, Miss; wrong choice of words. The meeting is apparently not open to all veterans, but rather to invited veterans' groups. I'd say, if you are a veteran and want to attend, be there at 6:30PM.
Joe's cyber-team of staffers still has not figured out how to communicate with the public. I'm signed up for email alerts and don't receive information in advance of meetings. Anyone else having this problem? Call Joe's office and tell them about it.
Make sure that your concerns are heard. And make sure you find out what they intend to do about them.
Drain Replies to Shorten
11 hours ago
1 comment:
Gus, the intern or staff person you spoke to at Congressman Walsh's office provided incorrect information. Despite being promoted by local veterans organizations, yesterday's veteran round-table was open to the public and should have been listed on the calendar. I apologize for the inaccurate information and oversight. Please do not hesitate to call the Fox Lake District office if we may be helpful in any way. -David Carlin, District Director for Congressman Walsh
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