Tuesday, March 30, 2010

National Doctors' Day - R U Kidding?

There is a large, 2/3-page ad in the morning's Northwest Herald, proclaiming today as National Doctors' Day. Mark your calendars, boys and girls. The ad, sponsored (paid for) by Mercy Health System, invites patients to praise their doctors by sending an email to them via the Mercy website.

Your premium dollars at work; right?

When Administrative Assistants' Day rolls around every year, I always wonder why they get a week, when Moms, Dads, the Easter bunny and various religious leaders get only one day. The Pope doesn't get a day, does he? Presidents do, but it's hard to keep track of it.

Honest Abe is even about to lose his day in Illinois. At the last District 200 school board meeting, they voted to have school on Lincoln's birthday next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Howabout Tin Star Wannabee's Day? Doh.