Last week I happened to drive by 134-136 First Street in Woodstock (just west of Clay Street) and passed this black Dodge Bighorn pick-up truck. The prominent four-letter word on the tailgate got my attention as I passed. (Click on the image to enlarge the photo; then click on the Back button on your browser to return here.)
It's easy to see the top bumper sticker. "F*CK"
The pink bumper sticker looks like it reads, "yes, I'm a bitch. so f*cking what?"
And the third sticker down reads, "What the f*ck are you looking at?"
And the bottom one reads, "Road rage princess"
No doubt that any reasonable person would quickly form an opinion of the driver of that truck, and I strongly suspect it would not be a positive opinion.
You couldn't get a license plate with a profanity on it. Should you be allowed to drive around with the first three bumper stickers?
Just imagine a mom and three grade school kids following that truck. How does Mom explain to her kids about the jerk (jerkess?) driving it? The truck is apparently owned by a woman. Don't you just wonder what she looks like?
Now, there is a way for the Woodstock Police (or any law enforcement officer) to address this:
"Good afternoon, miss. I noticed your bumper stickers; however, they are not the reason I am going to write you these three tickets. You didn't stop before crossing the white line. You didn't signal within 100' of the intersection. You failed to yield to the car on your right. Sign here, please."
After the third or fourth set of tickets, the driver would probably begin to make the connection between the bumper stickers and the multiple tickets.
F-U Muther F-er! The bumper stickers have nothing to do with issuance from the State.. It's all personal.
Why dont you knock on their door and complain??? Afraid to get your false teeth knocked out?
There are sooooooo many tact-less bumper stickers out there... let it go punk! Doh.
Thank you for posting my "vulgar" post... I did it on purpose, and you allowed me to exercise my 1st amendment rights.... thx.
For what its worth, I dont appreciate seeing that kinda stuff on autos either. Kids are gonna see it and soon enough, they'll try to emulate the thugs who display it... whether verbally or written.
Whats the world coming too.... 2012 cant come soon enough. DOH!
The kids are going to see it soon enough line doesn't sit well with me, that is like saying its ok to have skin flicks on during the day like when Sesame Street is on...
Some sticker vigilante may find the stickers and fix it. Back in 1998 my boyfriend had a small sticker 1.5x4 inches that said Marilyn Manson on his car and my neighbor peeled the sticker off of the car in the dark of night.
how's this for first impressions.....serious quote from this woman "god told me to keep having children, he told me to seed the earth with beautiful babies" (she was at 8 kids the last time I was around there)
Gussy-are you saying the police should have a prejudice against people who exercise their 1st amendment right of free speech because of the words on a bumper sticker? I agree that I don't want my children seeing stuff like that but it is a free country! Talk about illegal enforcement (profiling)...you suggest writting multiple tickets based on bumper stickers? Some sheriff you'll be! And to be honest, if they did get issued tickets you'd be the one in court defending them!
Gussy wrote-"No doubt that any reasonable person would quickly form an opinion of the driver of that truck, and I strongly suspect it would not be a positive opinion."
What kind of opinion do you think some people form of a grown old guy driving a red bug?
Missy, please read bulldog's quote again "Kids are gonna see it and soon enough, they'll try to emulate the thugs who display it"
He's not saying since they'll see it someday they should see it now. He's saying once they see it, sooner rather than later, they will start copying what they see. I'm guessing bulldog is on your side.
Frank, about the red bug. Maybe, "pretty cool dude."
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