Read today's Chicago Tribune article about the abuse of supervision in the courts for speeding and other traffic violations.
It's time for supervision to go down the drain in Illinois. If legislators want to do something important this term, dump Supervision.
"The Tribune analysis found that since 2006, more than 1,100 people cited for going 100 mph or faster by the Illinois State Police in metro Chicago kept all citations from the traffic stops off their records."
"Ajay Lodhari and Jaime Villarreal raced along I-94 in Lake County last summer at 150 mph —- the fastest citations in the data. Both got supervision."
Read the entire article at,0,6887161.story
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
57 minutes ago
It must be nice to afford good lawyers! If you are going 2 or 3 times the legal posted speed limit you should have your license suspended.
Supervision in Illinois should be cancelled. Supervision causes too many people who have valid defenses to plead guilty, because they don't want to take the time and effort to go to trial.
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