Last Tuesday, a week ago, a McHenry County resident called me in shock (alarmed and disturbed, maybe?) by the visit of law enforcement officers to her residence near Island Lake. Her 18-year-old daughter was home and asleep, when there was a loud pounding on the front door. She told me that her daughter looked out and saw one officer at the door and four in the yard. A neighbor later told her that there were 5-6 squad cars there and that law enforcement officers in full tactical gear had surrounded her house and had their weapons drawn.
One of the officers (deputies?) demanded to know where the girl's mother was. He was reported as not being polite. He left a card with a name and a phone number on it with orders for her mother to call Deputy Garza at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department. When the mother called later, she did not encounter a friendly, helpful deputy.
The cop team was there to serve a warrant for the arrest of the mother, whose dastardly crime against society was to fail to complete a payment plan for traffic tickets back in 2007. She told me that she had been stopped for not wearing her seatbelt properly (in the Island Lake cop's opinion) and that she was surprised to learn that her driver's license had expired, so she had been ticketed for that, too. This was in Island Lake.
The Island Lake officer had told her to go to the branch of the McHenry County Traffic Court located in McHenry, which she did. On the correct date she waited through the entire court call, and the judge then asked her why she was sitting there. He looked at the ticket and told her she was supposed to be in the traffic court in Woodstock, and a date for her appearance there was arranged. When she got to that appearance, she waited through the entire court call, and again her case was not called. A prosecutor was rounded up, and they negotiated a plea. She began making payments on her payment plan.
Sometime after that, a ComEd truck totaled her vehicle, and her payment plan was in the glove box of the car and went to the junkyard with her car. In the hassle of trying to settle with ComEd, she forgot about the money owed to McHenry County.
McHenry County Circuit Court Clerk Kathy Keefe explained to me what is supposed to happen when a payment plan is not completed. Four letters are sent at different times to the person who owes the money; then a hearing is held, and then another letter is sent. This woman, who has lived at her address since 1979, received none of the letters. Ms. Keefe said warrants are not issued in these circumstances.
Earlier this year McHenry County struck a deal with AllianceOne to collect monies owed to the Circuit Court. Did they ever try to contact this woman?
And then the "boys with their toys" showed up and scared the living daylights out of her daughter. Now, they ought to know something about the person named in the warrant they are serving; right? Don't you think they would know whether they are after someone who owes $300 in unpaid traffic fines and court costs or a murderer? Wouldn't they do a little homework before they show up, so they will know whether to expect resistance and gunfire? Or do they just assault every residence as if the Manson Gang is holed up and then consider themselves lucky if they make it back to their cars alive?
Do I sound a little harsh about this? One, and only one, of the group could have gone to the door to ring the bell. If a kid comes to the door, he should explain professionally and politely why he is there. In this way you build confidence in police and respect for the law. (Well, maybe in Utopia, which is a little south of Mattoon.)
Frankly, it's cops like these who spoil the reputation of all the rest. There are many good cops and deputies in McHenry County. And then there are those who think that they own the night. And the day.
She got an attorney fast and got good advice to have her bond money in her purse - in cash. I added my suggestion to record all the serial numbers and store the numbers at home.
They didn't snatch her between last Tuesday and court last Monday morning, when Judge Meyer quashed the warrant for her arrest. All the fines and court costs are paid, and she hopes this is the end of it. Look at the headaches here for a crummy $25 seatbelt ticket!
So, folks, dig out your driver's license right now and check the expiration date. Licenses can be renewed almost a full year before their expiration date. And check the renewal tag on your car. Are you driving around on an expired registration? While you're at it, check the copy of your auto insurance that you keep in the car. Do you have a valid Insurance ID Card in your car?
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5 hours ago
Deputy Hector Garza and the big bad Apprehension Unit, what a joke!!!! McHenry County, the similarities with 1939 Berlin is pathetic. Thanks, Nygren, Lowery, Cundiff and the rest for making us all safe from the traffic offenders.
Great advice! Unfortunately it comes at the expense of somebody else, but that is how we learn. I always wear my seat belt but rarely read the "fine print" on my license, insurance card, etc...
Now I will start.
Oh here we go again!! Wait a while back this Deputy was named as being extremely polite with the Sheriffs’ office for his services translating to the Hispanic community and his respect to defendants. You can’t win with you guys!!
That article was in the northwest herald a few months back. I understand there are two sides to every story - bottom line - Why is it always the person who has been arrested who states he/she was the victim of police brutality? Sure they are going to mad, they got CAUGHT! and yes in every group you will have a bad apple or two, but you guys are ripping the fricken apple tree out by its roots!!! and taking the orchard with it!!
Yes was me!
Giggles, you miss the point of the posting.
Is it necessary to surround a persons house in full gear, have officers at all the windows, disturb your neighbors, and have six squad cars because of an unpaid traffic fine?
Those officers scared the BJezuz out of my sleeping daughter, who thought something terribly wrong happened to her mother.
They also went to my neighbors house asking questions.
A letter, a phone call, anything would have been more productive than having the swat team show up to haul me to jail to pay the TRAFFIC fine.
Wow, so sorry I didn't pay off the fine .... this after making two scheduled court appearances, only to be told I'm at the wrong courthouse (the court and address were on the ticket) and the second time being told I wasn't on the court schedule, though I was ordered to appear.
I admit I should have paid off the fine. Does this excuse the excessive and wasteful actions of the county? I'm not Ma Barker for crying out loud!
If the warrant was because I was wanted in connection with an armed robbery, or some other violent offense, I certainly understand why a show of force would be necessary. This was a stupid, minor, and in the words of my lawyer "chickenshit" matter. A letter or phone call would have produced the same result.
My sincere thanks to Gus for all of his help, advice and support. I've never had a lawyer before, I do now! You steered me in the right direction, calmed my fears and trusted I would pay you back when the ATM wouldn't work. (LOL)
I read this blog daily. It holds a wealth of information, and the man running it has intelligence, great spirit, and integrity.
Thank you Gus.
Sorry, Giggles, but you must be thinking of another incident that was in the paper "a few months back." This incident happened Tuesday, June 2.
Thanks, Karen. I'm glad that I could be of help. I agree with your lawyer's very descriptive term.
Loved your "Ma Barker" term. If Illinois goes to 8 letters on a license plate, get that one!
Thanks Karen for you post. I dont miss the point of posting. Freedom of speech, someone states something - someone else has the right to repsond.
Gus, here is the link to the story i am talking about.
Are you going to find something wrong with this too?
Sure, that's easy.
1. Was he arrested AT the intersection? What was he doing, standing in the middle of the street?
2. What time?
3. How many officers?
4. Was it a felony traffic stop, with guns drawn? Had shots been fired "at" the intersection, how many would be dead or injured from stray bullets?
5. Since he was believed to be in Woodstock, why wasn't Woodstock PD involved? Were they not by choice? Their choice? Nothing on the WPD website (Police, Press Releases) about this.
6. How long had he been in Woodstock?
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