A 9-foot-tall Dick Tracy will be standing guard in Naperville, as the 35th piece of artwork to be erected in Naperville.
According to today's article in the Chicago Tribune, "The sculpture will be dedicated Oct. 4, the 78th anniversaryof the comic strip's debut."
You can read the full article at www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-dick-tracy-w-zone-03-jun03,0,7425318.story
In the past I have commented on the thriving community of Naperville, especially its "downtown" area. You know, folks, we could have that here.
The WDBA is struggling along and should have its Annual Meeting this month, once it finds out whether the City is going to kick in any funding. The WBDA deserves support from three areas: the City, the business community (and not just the downtown businesses) and the People of Woodstock. It needs the financial support and, every bit as importantly, the interest and the time of the People. Whether the City kicks in or not, the WDBA needs to continue.
Downtown Woodstock is never going to grow and thrive because of the Chamber of Commerce. I've lived here 13 years and I still can't figure out what the Chamber really does. What do members really get for their money, besides a canceled check about 30 days after paying dues?
The WDBA needs some life to it. It must appoint a permanent Executive Director and stop fooling around with this "Interim" Executive Director nonsense. Lucia Matlock has worked very hard - for no real title and no pay. She deserves both.
We need more than cigarette butts on our downtown sidewalks. We need shoes and lots of them. I was going to use the word "feet", but who wants to see bare feet downtown. Or bare chests. I think it's time to confront those who feel the need to stroll around the Square shirtless and remind them that there are some who are working hard to build historic Woodstock into an attraction that will bring more visitors and more spending to Woodstock.
If the guys feel the need for sun, they can just head on over the Emricson Park and catch the rays there.
Too bad we don't have the Dick Tracy statue right here in Woodstock!
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
11 minutes ago
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