On June 11 the Woodstock Board of Fire and Police Commissioners (BOFPC) met and voted to accept an Amended Complaint from the Police Chief Lowen against Sgt. Steve Gorski. The next step was to be a continuation of the hearing into Sgt. Gorski's termination, as ordered by Judge Maureen McIntyre on March 24, 2009. In her Decision she remanded the case to the BOFPC.
The BOFPC had previously stated it would meet on June 11 and then on June 30; however, on June 11 the attorney for the BOFPC announced that the Board probably wouldn't meet on June 30, due to the anticipated unavailability of two of the Board members.
In more than two weeks the parties have not settled on a new date, although they are beating around one date in the second week of July. What are they waiting for? Scheduling is not that difficult. If it is, then you get someone who can do it.
Of course, there is only one party here whose finances are at risk. So why hurry? The BOFPC has plenty of money to spend on its lawyer; why hurry? The City has plenty of money to spend at the City Attorney's office; so why hurry?
Why doesn't Mayor Sager step in and demand that the BOFPC and the City stop fooling around and get a date set? Doesn't the Mayor represent the employee of the City as well as the City itself? Shouldn't he be concerned about fairness? He should step forward and drop the hammer on everyone. Tell them all to stop the delays, which have already been too long, and get to the discussion table!
Sgt. Gorski hasn't been paid for almost two years! The BOFPC decided on February 14, 2008, that Chief Lowen had not made his case and directed the City to pay Sgt. Gorski all his back wages. That was 16 months ago. SIXTEEN MONTHS AGO. How much has the City paid? Zero!
If the Mayor won't intervene, then four of the elected Council members should step forward and insist on fairness. Four would be enough; six would better. All seven would be even better!
Maybe the legal fees for this case need to be posted in lights at City Hall. Every day residents, employees and voters(!) could drive by, check on the new totals, and lay into those responsible - legally, of course; peacefully, politely; yet loudly and persuasively!
Those responsible are the members of the City Council, who give direction to the City Manager and the City Attorney and guidance to Boards and Commissions of the City.
Right now everyone seems to be hanging back, waiting for "the other guy" to make to next move.
Evidence of Leftwing Bias at PBS
3 hours ago