Yesterday at about 5:20PM there was a female jogger running south in Route 47 against traffic at Todd Street and interfering with northbound traffic. Although there was a clear sidewalk available to her immediate left, she ran in the street, where she was hard to see. Several northbound cars barely missed hitting her.
At McHenry Avenue she crossed Route 47 and then she ran between moving vehicles to cross McHenry Avenue. She ran behind cars stopped eastbound on McHenry Avenue and was outside the crosswalk.
From there she ran south in the middle of Seminary Street from McHenry Avenue toward Judd Street. I was curious whether she might be hit as she ran down the center of Seminary, and I telephoned Woodstock PD to request that an officer contact her as she approached Judd Street. She continued south on Judd Street in the middle of the street to Calhoun, and then she jogged west on Calhoun with traffic over the railroad tracks, south in Madison Street with traffic to South St., then west in South Street to Dean Street.
When she reached Dean Street, she turned south on Dean and ran in the street against traffic. I lost sight of her at Fremont St.
A short time after that I saw a male jogger running south in Dean Street, with traffic, at Kimball.
There was a recent fatality in Woodstock involving a pedestrian and a recent serious-injury accident in Woodstock, when a homeless man was struck in a hit-and-run accident.
It is time for the Woodstock Police Department to get serious about joggers, runners and pedestrians in the streets, when sidewalks are available. Yesterday sidewalks were generally clear of snow because of warming weather.
Is a Warning sufficient? No, it’s not. If WPD will issue tickets to those who choose to run in the streets and then publicize the violators in the Woodstock Independent and the Northwest Herald, as well as on Star 105.5 and Y103.5 news, safety will be increased for all – for pedestrians and runners, for drivers, and for innocent bystanders who might just happen to be in the way if a driver runs off the roadway trying at the last minute to avoid a runner.
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
24 minutes ago
Sounds like you followed her for some distance. Too bad she didn't notice. Maybe she would have changed her ways...or had you arrested for stalking.
wo hoo 20points
Sorry, "first", but you missed the boat on this one. Apparently, you don't really understand the legal definition of stalking.
She was not even aware that I had observed her numerous violations of the Illinois Vehicle Code. I was in contact with the Woodstock Police Department and they dispatched an officer, but he was unable to intercept her.
You like to attack but hide your identity. Are you afraid to identify yourself and take responsibility for your remarks?, like you know more than 1 page of information
Okay you got me. I am not a lawyer. Oh right you're not one either. She was probably unaware of her violations of the vehicle code since she was not in a vehicle(!)Perhaps the officer was not able to "intercept" her (book'em Danno!) because he was called to something more important. Too bad you lost her too as I am sure they would recognize your car. My identity is hidden because I don't feel like having you follow ME around! I do however take full responsibility for my remarks. What, in your twisted little world, am I guilty of?
Talk about missing th boat. The decapiated body of a woman hiker is found in Ga. and the "older" man who was with her is in custody. Legal definitions be damned-if a single female called the police department and said a man in a car has been following her for a considerable distance the police had better respond. And you had better have a better story than "I'm Gus, sidewalk enforcer"
Oh, my. I'm sc-sc-scared... But thanks for the title. Now I'll order some new business cards.
Maybe next time I'll just drive on by and later, when I read the newspaper article that a pedestrian/jogger was struck and killed in Woodstock, then I'll just say (again), "I told you so." You are confusing observing-and-reporting with threatening. If you knew me, you would know that I do not threaten - ever. What I will do, however, is notify the police, when a dangerous condition exists on Woodstock streets.
If i were concerned about someones safety, i would let them know that what they are doing is unsafe. I would remind them that someone was recently killed. Get out and talk to people, Gus. What if she got hit while you were waiting for the police to show up|?
What if Gus dozed off while thinking about his current life and hit her himself?
The above suggestion about talking to someone about her unsafe running in the street is a good one. I'd like to say that I gave it thorough consideration, but I didn't.
The part of it that I did consider was how the conversation might head downhill really fast, in spite of any effort to be courteous and informative.
So I decided that discretion was the better part of valor and that a much wiser course was not to attempt to speak with her.
It was already dark; she was hard to see in the darkness because of poor street lighting; I certainly did not wish to scare her by stopping near her and attempting to speak with her. And, for sure, I did not want her to call the police and report that she was being following. So I stayed well back, like 1-2 blocks except when I passed her.
Ask your wife what she would think/do/say if she were running after dark in the middle of the street, and a man attempted to speak to her about her risky running practices.
Courteous and informative? More like an all-knowing pompous martinet! She would call the police!
Gus is a FREAK!!!!!!!! Holy crap get a life. I wish i had that much time to patrol the streets of woodstock in my personal red beetle. Oh that's right only women drive those cars. Maybe you should recive a badge and a light on your car where you can do the police a favor and patrol the sidewalks for them.
gus just be glad that u dont jog cause u may get hit by a hummer
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