Remember the olden days, when employees used to show up for work a little early and be ready to w-o-r-k, when the work day starts?
When did this concept go out the window?
I can understand the hourly telemarketer or customer service representative who just plugs in the headset and reads the script when the phone rings, or who reads the script on out-going calls…
But what about the supervisor who needs to review what happened during the hours before the workday started; the one who needs to know what happened in the previous 8-16 hours, in order to be prepared for his own day and to brief his subordinates on important issues.
I’m talking about $80,-90,000/year payroll folks who are expected to be ready each day, at the beginning of the day.
And what about the bosses who tolerate the show-up-at-the-last-minute supervisors? For example, if your workday starts at 6:00AM, shouldn't a supervisor arrive before 5:59AM?
Republicans Celebrate Inauguration in Marengo
8 hours ago
Jealous of people making over 80K much?
If a supervisor at the local factory did this, they would be run out of there.
For some reason, this happens every day at your local jailhouse on day shift. Doesn't Sheriff Nygren and the taxpayers deserve better?
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